Set a BGP peer on a port configuration


Address of the peer to set the config for
Prefixes that may be exported to the peer. Empty list means all prefixes allowed
Prefixes that may be imported from the peer. Empty list means all prefixes allowed
Use the given authorization string for TCP-MD5 authentication with the peer
BGP configuration this peer is associated with
Include the provided communities in updates sent to the peer
How long to wait between TCP connection retries (seconds)
How long to delay sending an open request after establishing a TCP session (seconds)
Enforce that the first AS in paths received from this peer is the peer's AS
How long to hold peer connections between keepalives (seconds)
How long to hold a peer in idle before attempting a new session (seconds)
How often to send keepalive requests (seconds)
Apply this local preference to routes received from the peer
Require messages from a peer have a minimum IP time to live field
Apply the provided multi-exit discriminator (MED) updates sent to the peer
Port to set the peer config on
Configuration profile to use for commands
Id of the rack to set the peer config on
Require that a peer has a specified ASN
Switch to set the peer config on
Associate a VLAN ID with a peer