Expanding Physical Connectivity

This describes how to connect an Oxide rack to additional upstream physical networks through the API. It assumes that the rack is already accessible through a primary network, and the goal is to connect the rack to additional physical networks.

The example in this guide will walk through taking a rack that is only connected via a single switch port on a single switch, to a rack that is connected via a switch port on each switch. The diagram below shows two oxide switches connected to an upstream router. The new configuration added in this example is highlighted in yellow.

Network Expansion Example

Initial Configuration

This guide will use the oxide CLI. To get started we’re going to look at the current network configuration of the rack.

$ oxide system networking switch-port-settings show

Autoneg  Fec   Speed
false    None  Speed100G

Address          Lot            VLAN  initial-infra  None

BGP Peer  Config  Export  Import  Communities  Connect Retry  Delay Open  Enforce First AS  Hold Time  Idle Hold Time  Keepalive  Local Pref  Md5 Auth  Min TTL  MED  Remote ASN  VLAN

Destination  Nexthop          Vlan  Preference  0     0

This shows that we only have one port connected on one switch.

Expanding Connectivity

Expanding connectivity in this example involves creating a new switch port settings object and associating that settings object with a switch port. In this example we’ll be configuring port qsfp0 on switch1.

Before configuring network settings, we’ll need to grab the ID of the rack we’ll be working with. In this example we assume a single rack deployment for simplicity and just grab the first rack ID.

export rack=`oxide system hardware rack list | jq -r .[0].id`
echo $rack

The first thing to do is create a link. This will create a settings object called switch1-qsfp0 that we’ll apply in the next step.

$ oxide system networking link add \
  --rack $rack \
  --switch switch1 \
  --port qsfp0 \
  --fec rs \
  --speed 100g
There are some other options that can be set here. Take a look at oxide system networking link add --help to see if any are important for your deployment.

Next, associate the link with a physical port.

$ oxide system hardware switch-port apply-settings \
  --rack-id $rack \
  --switch-location switch1 \
  --port qsfp0 \
  --port-settings switch1-qsfp0

Next, add an address to this switch port settings object.

$ oxide system networking addr add \
  --rack $rack \
  --switch switch1 \
  --port qsfp0 \
  --addr \
  --lot initial-infra

Finally, we’ll set up a static default route on the new link. This is just an example and setting more specific routes may be more applicable in other situations.

$ oxide system networking route set \
  --rack $rack \
  --switch switch1 \
  --port qsfp0 \
  --destination \

Now we can run the switch-port-settings show command from the beginning of the guide and see the new port configuration.

$ oxide system networking switch-port-settings show

Autoneg  Fec  Speed
false    Rs   Speed100G

Address          Lot            VLAN  initial-infra  None

BGP Peer  Config  Export  Import  Communities  Connect Retry  Delay Open  Enforce First AS  Hold Time  Idle Hold Time  Keepalive  Local Pref  Md5 Auth  Min TTL  MED  Remote ASN  VLAN

Destination  Nexthop          Vlan  Preference  0     0

Autoneg  Fec   Speed
false    None  Speed100G

Address          Lot            VLAN  initial-infra  None

BGP Peer  Config  Export  Import  Communities  Connect Retry  Delay Open  Enforce First AS  Hold Time  Idle Hold Time  Keepalive  Local Pref  Md5 Auth  Min TTL  MED  Remote ASN  VLAN

Destination  Nexthop          Vlan  Preference  0     0
To see physical link characteristics such as optical RX power use oxide system hardware switch-port show-status.
Last updated